Hello. Welcome to my blog.
Nice having you here.
This blog is made green, for my own purpose as i like green.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
@5:44:00 PM
Helo finally freed from exams haiz now the only worrying thing is that the results i think it may not be so gud u noe becoz i think i flung my history haiz ok talk bout wad happen after school
AFter school actually going o bmc so bus-ed to the interchange
interchange saw amanda , wh , zj ,cheez , zhong ren , jing guag , pearl , weiming , shaoheng about that ba ...
then amanda pulled me to go with them to safra for bowling so haiz she keep pulling then go lor
go there see them play then sianz haiz nvm so after 2 game finally go play ground
playground play play then ok times up SPACE open le su go space
at space played awhile then 3~4 plus go home
end le bb
Friday, October 10, 2008
@8:00:00 PM
Today we had history paper and maths paper 1.........
for history paper it is a DISASTER !!!! i have no confidence in it it is like so damn hard
then maths paper i think i could pass with flying colours lolx
after that lowell*teck guan*mary*yihui*irene*xuewen*nicholas*felicia*kanghua*Me AND KL
Irene*kanghua*felicia*nicholas*mary went to mac for their lunch
Me*teckguan*lowell*yihui*xuewen & KL went to KFC as we saw yihui they all inside
they all walk so fast they legs very long so oni Me*lowell*teckguan & KL walk behind
so saw them at KFC then settle down at kfc lolx so eat eat ....
thn go playground slack slack lolx if not so sianz
Then nich and tg fought so nich threw tg bag on floor Irene hand so itchy go throw up the playground then after that until she and tg fight so now XW threw the bag down
teck guan saw so he laugh laugh then walked off to the bus interchange
so sad lorx then irene go chase haha
then after that tg came back so they all say want go my house then change venue go to IRENE house
so went there play play cards as i not good in audi ma T.T
so play play play then SUDENNLY I GORTT MY FIRST CRAMP
always heard people talking about leg cramping but i nvr experience one b4 so is like so happy
then is cramp at my left foot the 2nd toe haha cannot move so COOL lolx
LEFT IRENE"S house at 6pm bused with lowell to interchange so accurately
his bus and my bus come liao so faster run up haha i caught the bus lucky me
becoz is like my bus already got peopel boarding le then board until last person le the 167 bus dorr STILL HAVEN OPEN i was like open faster open then open lucky one auntie saved me she ran up the bus then followed by me haha
bye bye .... no PICS todae sry
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
@9:03:00 PM
wootz today went nich house study
at first study study so guaiiiii oni nich that nerdy baka playing dota
with someone CALLED WALAOitsAHNEH ask him he dun wan tell
so me yh and tg study
after tat went to eat then haiz so sianz nth much worx then ok lorx go home
i meant nich home so go back le me yihui nich played blind mice after a few minutes of audi
then okay tg join in ... tat time already 7.30 so play awhile then bbbbbbbbbb
now important parts when we came out of LJS after eating nich keep SAYING XUEWEN DE NEH HEN BIAN X dunno how many times and b4 we went to eat i took picture of nich then he pulled my shirt while on the com chair then i pulled my shirt and ran then he fall until SI JIAO CHAO TIAN hahahahaha